Posts in Lifestyle Strategies
E35: Leaning into vulnerability and living a conscious life with healing elements studio owner Samantha Shvetzoff
E34: Inspiration, tips and strategies to shop at your local co-op to improve your health, community and environment with Jennifer Dean & Renee Whisnant from Lakewinds Food Co-op
E33: College Students Zach Marmet and Isaac Gittleman talk about finding balance, time for self-care and how they handle the stress of college and being home during the Covid-19 Pandemic
E31: Michelle Horovitz from Appetite for Change is leading a food justice organization that has built a community around health, wealth and social change through food.
E30: A holistic approach to declutter your space, time & mind with professional organizer Michelle Vig
E29: A deep dive into Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine with healer Monica Helland
Bonus Episode: A simple and approachable way to meditation with Betsy Weiner
E26: One Drop CEO and Founder Jeff Dachis inspires and empowers people with diabetes to live their best lives through his mobile computing device and data science system.
Mindset, Lifestyle Strategies, Product ReviewsTheartoflivingwell Podcastlisten to your body, live in balance, Jeff Dachis, Diabetes, One Drop, Diabetes type 1, blood glucose, blood sugar, diabetes app
Episode 25: Learn How to Listen to Your Intrinsic Knowledge and Truth and Live in Balance with Anna Needham of Tao Natural Foods
Mindset, Lifestyle StrategiesTheartoflivingwell Podcasttao natural foods, healing foods, food is medicine, immune support, immune supporting foods, anna needham, natural remedies, listen to your body, listen to your truth, live in balance, yind and yang, tips to live in balance with nature